Thursday, August 30, 2012

5364 - Week 1 Reflection

WEEK 1 Part 1
During week one we had many readings to sort through.
  • "Using Technology with Classroom Instruction That Works"
  • "Learning as a Personal Event: A Brief Introduction to Constructivism"
  • "How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School"
  • "Social Networking Technologies in Education"
  • "If I Teach This Way, Am I Doing My Job: Constructivism in the Classroom"
  • "Web 2.0: New Tools, New Schools"

One of the best reading was the one titled "Learning as a Personal Event: A Brief Introduction to Constructivism". I liked this one because it allows students to be more involved with their learning. It shows how students in a Learner-Centered classroom benefit more and participate more in the learning. The students are going out and about to gather information instead of filling out worksheets and watching videos. the Learner-Centered classroom gives students the chance to get their hands on real situations instead of simply listening and watching.
 Another article, "How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School, pp. 194-218" continues to discuss the way students learn suing technology. this article is different and helpful because it not only talks about the good of technology, but also points out things that need to be considered when adding technology to a classroom, namely how people can use technology to learn by doing. Technology provides receive feedback, and helps students sharpen their skills while helping them learn.

Citation: Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school(Expanded edition). Ch. 9, pp. 194-218. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Retrieved from

Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, (1999). Learning as a personal event: A brief introduction to constructivism. Retrieved from

5364 - Web Conference #1

When the web conference began Dr. Borel thanked the class for being patient as we all transfer from EPIC to BlackBoard. She mentioned that the discussion board has been a little messed up and that everyone will get credit for the discussion this week.
Next she went through some areas of Blackboard and how to find information about submitting assignment. She let us know that there are videos to help us out, and talked to us about making sure we check that the assignment actually gets sent. She then went on to explain how the announcements will go to our email and that we could change the email in order to have announcements sent to an email of our choice. This way we are guaranteed to get the announcements as she puts them up.
Next she reminded us that all assignments are due on Sundays and made sure all students have information on how to go to the educational leadership google site that is set up for each course.
Next she went thorough the field supervisor requirements and who to contact if we have not heard from our FS. She also went through forms that we are required to have in order to graduate and that information is in the handbook.
Next she went through the week's assignment and what is expected from us, mainly the expectations from our group project. We have a lot of work to do, but together we can get it all accomplished.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

5366 - Web Conference #3

I was not able to attend the web conference this evening but I watched the video. Dr. Cummings again asked us if there were any questions pertaining to the week 3 assignment. One student asked if we needed to add music to our animation and Dr. Cummings stated that we didn't have to, but we could if we wanted.
Next she asked us if we wanted to add something about where we are on the animation. No one added anything but a question about the tutorial for the website came up and she clarified who the audience would be. The answer is to just make it pertain to who we want to teach it to, mainly teachers and students. She also wants us to learn the software so we can use it in our classrooms.She also made sure we had the movement of the animation be at least 10 movements. Some students shared what other software they were using and Dr. Cummings asked if it was something that should be added to the course in the future, she will add it to the next course. 
Next she asked if there were any questions about the website. She clarified that the website would be for a school setting because it addresses teachers, Parents, students and community. As questions were asked, they were answered and she made things a lot clearer for students that were uncertain.
Next she discussed the course embedded documents and is going to send them as an announcement for those of us that do not have them or are unclear about them. She also discussed the EdTech wiki and clarified that the forms must say ET for EdTech.
Also, we need to show our collaboration for this project on a google doc. We have not actually done this so I will cut/paste our collaboration so they can see what we have done.