Saturday, March 9, 2013

EDLD 5326 Research Project Update

AR Project Summary :

 I have been implementing a paperless classroom ever since my students all received their district issued iPads. The Action Research would be performed during the 3rd six-week and ended January 14th at the end of the 6 weeks. I have compiled the data which consisted of a copy count from the 2nd six-weeks to compare the third six-week once we began using the iPads. I was able to cut my usage from 6,600 copies made the 2nd six-week to 5,150 copies the 3rd six-weeks. This is even lower than the proposed 5,280. On the downside I have noticed that the students are getting into more trouble, even at home, since the iPads have arrived. I have also noticed that the Accelerated Reading points have decreased. I have had to go back to making sure that my students are reading a real book and not rely on them reading in their iPads because they are too easily distracted with the ease of switching from their book to some other game or app. Also, I have to do double the work to get things done on the iPad. If I want the students to do their homework I have to scan a copy of the document, save it a pdf and send it to their iPads. I can see how teachers get frustrated and find it be easier to just simply make a copy for them. And recently with the new update to the iPads the iMessage feature is not working so I cannot send any photos or pdf’s to them. Another drawback is that there are not enough resources yet for use on the iPad. The student textbooks are not capable of being used, the workbooks are not available and the apps are limited, especially since my students are low income and are not capable of purchasing apps that are the full version. I know this is a great idea in theory but I am seeing a few things that are making the transformation difficult.