Wednesday, March 7, 2012

5306/5311 - Week 2: Web Conference

During this web conference we were able to spend a little time introducing ourselves to the other web conference participants. I learned that we have a very diverse group of students in our cohort. I also learned that I have a classmate in my own city, which was a pleasant surprise.  Professor Borel went through a PowerPoint which introduced everything we needed to know about the course, she was adamant about making sure we knew at the beginning of the course what is expected at the end of the course, so we are not surprised. We have 150 field hours in which we can complete anytime between now and the end of the 18-months, and we have 150 hours imbedded into our work. We also got a view of our class schedule, allowing us to see our classes as they are coming each session.  Professor Borel the opened the conference to questions and answers and was able to help all the students with a question. One of my fellow classmates, Lottie, was having trouble with the link to her blog on blogger, so I stayed behind to see if I could help out. We ended up figuring out the problem and she is all set.

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