Wednesday, March 7, 2012

5306/5311 - Week 2: Posting #1 - Technology Assessments: My Opinion

Week 2: Posting 1
Technology Assessments: My Opinion
I believe that assessing the knowledge and skills of administrators is very important. For one thing, it would be sad to expect teachers to perform at a certain level that they themselves cannot perform at. Being a good example is one of the best and most valuable ways to be a good leader, being able to not only tell, but also show staff how to do what is expected of them would make the staff feel more comfortable with their expectations. Administrators should also be required to integrate technology seamlessly in their job as much as the teachers are required to.
Assessing students is not only valuable, but necessary. Students are expected to be computer literate by the time they are in 8th grade, and be able to perform these skills at a level that is quite high in their class work. According to the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, by the year 2020 “Students can expect higher performance and deeper engagement in academic, real world endeavors by accessing digital tools and resources available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week (24/7) appropriate to individual strengths, needs, and learning styles. Students know they will be prepared to thrive in a global workforce with changing economic implications” (LRPT, 16).

Technology assessments have both pros and cons. Pros would include allowing teachers, administrators as well as students to know what areas need work and what areas are at the level expected. One of the cons could be the person being assessed has not been exposed to the technology that is being assessed. One of the biggest problems in my experience is that the infrastructure does not meet the demand. Districts are trying to keep up, but finding the money to do so is becoming difficult.


TEA. (2006). Long Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020. 16-20.

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