Thursday, March 15, 2012

5306/5311 - Week 3: Web Conference

Tonight we were able to meet a couple of students who were unable to attend the last web conference and I learned that one of them is from Delaware. How cool! We went over a lot of the basics of the assignments and what is to be expected coming up the next 2 weeks. Professor Borel helped us understand the calendar a little better, explained which classes we will be with only us and which ones there will be more students added. She also wanted to make sure that we understood that the week 5 assignment deadlines cannot be extended so to make sure we are prepared for it. I had a question about whether the book I have chosen for my week 4 assignment would be approved, and I showed it to her and she approved it. Whew! I feel like I am getting the hang of this class, of course it is almost over, but it has been a great experience. There are days when I feel a little overwhelmed with the work load, but I am also putting my own deadlines on myself in order to not have any homework on the weekends. Although these web conferences are optional, I do feel that attending is helpful and since there is only one left, I will do my best to be at that one. I also am happy to say that after the next two weeks are finished I only have 17 months to go!!!

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