Friday, April 20, 2012

5301 - Action Research Plan

Kristi Rogers ET8050
Draft Action Research Plan
Goal: To create a paperless classroom (85% less paper usage)
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Meet with classroom teacher to discuss paper usage
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Apr. 2012
Copy count
Evaluate student test scores
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
April/May 2012
Teacher         Test scores TPRI
EOY Test scores
Evaluate Copy usage
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
April/May 2012
Copy count
Assign iPad/iPods
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Aug/Sept 2012
Assignment sheet
Setting up iPad/iPod Applications
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Aug/Sept 2012
iPad/iPod apps
Application list
Notifying parents
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Aug/Sept 2012
Letter to parents
Evaluate student test scores
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Teacher         Test scores TPRI
BOY Test scores
Evaluate Copy usage
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Sep. 2012
Copy count
Evaluate student test scores
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Teacher         Test scores TPRI
MOY Test scores

Thursday, April 19, 2012

5301 Week 2 - Mentor Meeting

So, I met with my mentor again this week because I was going a little crazy with the thought of moving to another school. We decided to go ahead and change the plan to incorporate "the paperless classroom". This will move with me, or I can continue to plan it here at this school and work closely with the teacher. The students I have chosen will be in a class that will either be using iPads or iPod touches...that is to be determined when the princiapl decides where this teacher will be teaching from. If I am fortunate enough to move into a classroom, then I will use it in my classroom which is my hope.

I feel better, but still nervous because of the unknown with my position. Feels good to vent it out on my blog. Feel free to comment!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5301 Week 2 - Reflection

I am in an ongoing mental battle this week. I just found out that I may not be at this school next year, which scares me because this means my action plan will be interrupted. I am frantically trying to think of ways I can still do this plan if I am moved, or if I should look at something else. One idea I had was to keep with the iPad theme, but change it from student improvement to something along the lines of  "the paperless classroom" where the iPads are used for student work instead of paper. It sounds interesting and can move with me to my next school if I get to stay in this district.

As far as what I have learned this week, I would say the Dana reading was very interesting. Chapter 2, "The Passions That Drive Your Journey", pp. 29 – 68, gave me more insight into the nine areas that the are major wonderings of many school leaders. I liked seeing these wonderings from the leader's point of view, and I actually see my principal differently. The videos were also interesting, I like hearing from actual leaders and what their take on things are. They are all very helpful and had some really greatl points. I liked what  Dr. Kirk Lewis had to say, to be practical - if the action research plan is not relative to what you can and need to implement, it will not work. If it is not practical and cannot be applied it cannot help. Being interested and being focused as well as benefits from the students will be seen if the research is useful and not simply theoretical.

Dana N. F. (2009). The Principal as Action Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin

Monday, April 16, 2012

5301 Week 1 - Action Research Update

As week 1 has been completed and I take a little time to review my Action Research plan, I realize that, as my classmate Nancy put it, I need to "trim down" my plan. I still want to look at the use of iPads and how they can and/or will help students in their learning process. I have decided that I will focus on a "pilot" of about 5 students and see if this is more plausible for my time frame. This is definitely a work in progress and I may end up changing more areas which I think is the point for the start up of this project. Thanks Nancy for the input.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

5301 Week 1 - Educational Leaders and Blogs

Educational leaders might use blogs to communicate with the staff and even students as well as other administrators. The blog could be used to ask questions and get feed back about how different issues may be improved upon or changed in a school setting. Administrators could use a blog to reflect upon areas of campus improvement and get the standpoint of others in the same field or even parents and students in the school. This could cause some conflict, but at the same time, if the administrator is open to new ideas it could help improve areas seen from a different perspective than they alone may have.
Using a blog sets a thought into a static condition where the administrator can come back to and pull from the history of what was thought or written. This static condition allows the administrator to hold onto thoughts without the chance of forgetting them. They can come back and take a look at what they knew or what they thought, then take that and put it with what they have done or changed.

5301 Week 1- Action Research

Action research has really changed in the school districts and it will continue to evolve as time goes by. It was not too long ago that our school district would hold a general assembly at the beginning of the year and we would have a guest speaker come give us a pep talk, trying to get us all excited about starting the school year off. Now, as we have a new superintendent, he uses internal speakers and students who are inspiring to get the year started. I can see how this has changed, and I understand that action research is turning the same corner. If not already, soon will be gone the times of having an outside researcher come to our district and try to "fix" things. I have noticed that the last couple of years, we have been working as a campus on our campus improvement plan, breaking up into groups and reflecting on ways to improve how we are doign what we do everyday. We then get back together as one and discuss what changes we feel should be made. What areas need to be added to or discarded and started over. I feel this type of collaboration has opened the door for us to take ownership and feel accountable for how our school performs as a whole and how we perform as a team as well as how each one performs individually.