Friday, April 20, 2012

5301 - Action Research Plan

Kristi Rogers ET8050
Draft Action Research Plan
Goal: To create a paperless classroom (85% less paper usage)
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Meet with classroom teacher to discuss paper usage
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Apr. 2012
Copy count
Evaluate student test scores
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
April/May 2012
Teacher         Test scores TPRI
EOY Test scores
Evaluate Copy usage
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
April/May 2012
Copy count
Assign iPad/iPods
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Aug/Sept 2012
Assignment sheet
Setting up iPad/iPod Applications
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Aug/Sept 2012
iPad/iPod apps
Application list
Notifying parents
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Aug/Sept 2012
Letter to parents
Evaluate student test scores
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Teacher         Test scores TPRI
BOY Test scores
Evaluate Copy usage
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Sep. 2012
Copy count
Evaluate student test scores
Kristi Rogers Raquel Adame Donna Bzibziak
Teacher         Test scores TPRI
MOY Test scores


  1. Looks like you have everything ready to move on with your plan. I think your topic is an interesting one to do in the educational setting as paper use and waste is a big topic in schools today.

  2. Nancy,
    I love that you are already using the action planning template! You are definitely ahead of me although it is nice to see one in progress. It looks like you are off to a great start.
    My principal is constantly talking about how much paper we use and even "rations" it on occasion. With all of today's technology, our world is moving towards paperless. What a savings for already strapped school districts! Your results will be interesting!
    Sue Anderson

    April 22, 2012 11:10 AM

  3. Kristi,
    Your plan looks good. I have to say that I wasn't sure what to do about the evaluation segment. Seeing yours clarifies things for me.

  4. Kristi,
    I think you have a great action research idea! Your plan template is well organized and to the point. Our school is always looking for ideas to save money so I would be very interested in your results. I know of one district (not mine) who limits the teachers to a certain amount of copies per year in an effort to save money. Good luck!

  5. Kristi,
    You plan seems to be on a realistic timeline. Good luck with implementation.
    Dr. Mason

  6. Krist,
    I will be looking forward to your progress on this research. I know from the dollar amounts school district pay out for paper books this paperless concept is sure to be a great idea. It will also engage the students as they are all technologically advanced anyway. This will be right up their alley.


  7. I feel that I pads in the classrooms are a great idea. Students are growing up in a world full of technology therefore it should be in the classroom. It makes learning so much more fun. Great job!
