Thursday, April 19, 2012

5301 Week 2 - Mentor Meeting

So, I met with my mentor again this week because I was going a little crazy with the thought of moving to another school. We decided to go ahead and change the plan to incorporate "the paperless classroom". This will move with me, or I can continue to plan it here at this school and work closely with the teacher. The students I have chosen will be in a class that will either be using iPads or iPod touches...that is to be determined when the princiapl decides where this teacher will be teaching from. If I am fortunate enough to move into a classroom, then I will use it in my classroom which is my hope.

I feel better, but still nervous because of the unknown with my position. Feels good to vent it out on my blog. Feel free to comment!

1 comment:

  1. Kristi,
    I'm glad you have had an opportunity to meet with your mentor. Together, it sounds as if you have developed a plan on how to move forward.
    Dr. Mason
