Wednesday, July 18, 2012

5366 - My Personal Logo

    I believe I achieved what I was looking for. Of course it is hard to know if other can look at it and see what I am trying to say. I feel that I created a heart that is colorful and gives an idea who I am. I like my name and the colors I used to express my name. I feel that the goal of showing a sweet, colorful and simple version of me is shown in the symbol.
    I used the principals of contrast with my color pallet and I used alignment by making sure everything is aligned and finally I feel that the proximity of each item is in a position that is pleasing and understandable. I also used repetition in the two sides of the heart.
    I feel that this logo shows my personality. I feel it is simple, but yet colorful and happy. Those are great ways to describe me. I am usually a very happy person. I like to lead a colorful life and I also enjoy the simple things in life. I hope that the person who sees this will feel happy and think that I feel happy too. This logo does a great job in identifying my personality.

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