Wednesday, July 25, 2012

5366 - Web Conference #2

7-24-12 - 5:30 pm
Dr. Cummings began the discussion asking for any questions pertaining to week 1 which we just finished. There were no questions so she moved forward.

Week two is logo design and week four website group formation. She stated that is students do not have a group to contact our IA and try to get 5-6 people in the group. She discussed "Self-Branding and how everything students put online is a "brand" and how the logo represents who we are. She opened the floor to questions. She answered yes to the question about using wordl and introduced "tuxedo". She also made sure we knew that we were going to need a logo for the website. She answered other questions about the logo and helped people understand what they are needed for. She suggested making our logo into either a .jpeg or .pdf to help with scalability and how to avoid distortion by using the shift key while making changes.

With the website the ultimate goal is to be a resource to use with other teachers in our schools as a technology facilitator. She described the uses for each of the six pages and how they can help the different departments in the schools. Dr. Cummings is going to send us resources that we can use on our websites to help us in the development of the websites. She reminded us to document the course embedded internship hours as well as the campus supervise hours for our internships and let us know she is a co-coordinator for the internship. She also gathered information from us about our field supervisors, whether or not we have had contact with them. I have not only had contact but I have finished my three required meetings with him. 
One student asked about a newsletter, but there is not to be a newsletter in this course.

She clarified other questions that people had about the website and internship, and our action research projects.She gave us the website to the EdTech wiki so we have access to our correct forms for our documentation hours.

She ended by making sure we know to get in touch with her for anything we may need. Meeting ended at 6:01

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