Friday, July 20, 2012

5366 - Reflection

EDLD 5366 was a lot of fun. When I started the class I was dreading it a little because I have taken Microsoft classes ranging from all of Office in one semester to one semester of each of them (PowerPoint, Word, Excel and Access) and Cisco I and II for networking. I have also taken Microcomputer Application I, II and Advanced so I was thinking it was going to be like those classes. BUT as I started my assignments I realized that they would be more fun and I was going to be learning some newer things, which excited me. The readings provided were very informative and easy to understand.
I had worked with animations on my daughter's LeapPad so this was not that new, but the website STYKZ made it so easy and I kept finding myself playing with it and making more animations. I know I have so much more to learn and I can see that my students will also have a lot of fun making little animations. 
To complete the assignments I found that all the information provided by the professor kept me on track. I could easily read the articles and then go back to the assignment and try out what I had learned. I also liked that there were tutorials that I could find on YouTube to also assist me in what I was learning. Learning about the new Digital version of Bloom's Taxonomy was interesting and helped me see a fresher look at something I have seen all through my education and career. 
Learning about personal branding was also helpful I was not aware that this was even a term used when looking at and thinking about online activities As stated in the article “Authentic Personal Branding”, Marshall Goldsmith points out that having a brand that is strong and relevant helps people associate this brand with the person, remembering them when it is important. (Goldsmith, 2009). “The Art of Self-Branding: Part One” (Alcantara, 2012) is helpful for a person to define who they are. Gathering the information from others can clarify what a person thinks as well as introduce new thought and ideas about a person to explore further.
When building the website as a group we spent a lot of time sending emails back and forth trying to make sure we all had what we needed to make the website the best it could be. We worked well as a group and everyone was reliable. I have learned that working with a group is not as bad as I expected. My past groups in under grad courses gave me a bad taste of group work, but working with real professionals who also wanted to get the work done early if not on time was a dream. 
            Working in a K-12 classroom I would implement the use of websites with my students as learning tools. In our school each student is going to be issued an iPad in the Fall, and I look forward to using apps on them, but I also see how using websites like AAA Math or Spelling City to handle some of the activities and practice.

Alcantara, L. (2012). The Art of Self-Branding. Retrieved 7 18, 2012, from lealea's blog:

Churches, A. (2008, April 1). Bloom's Taxaonomy Blooms Digitally. Retrieved July 18, 2012, from Tech & Learning:

Goldsmith, M. (2009). Authentic Personal Branding. Retrieved June 18, 2012, from Bloomberg Businessweek:

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