Saturday, June 30, 2012

5363 Assignment 5.9

1.    Describe how you would implement the use of a video project with other teachers in professional development or with students in a PK-12 classroom.
a.    The video my group made was a video rap on photosynthesis. I learned so much about producing this video, and I can see how much fun it could be to make other videos for students, using the students. I can see how giving the students a starting subject and seeing what they come up with could be so much fun. The iPads that the students will have include software such as iMovie and GarageBand as well onboard cameras including video cameras. Taking that software and allowing the students to come up with videos as part of their learning process would be a great learning experience for them as well as a lot of fun.  I used YouTube as a reference for a lot of my learning. YouTube is such an amazing resource to use when learning new things. I was able to use videos from YouTube to learn how to use iMovie, MovieMaker and Audacity. I love being able to watch the videos and go step by step in my learning process. I can pause the video and try it myself, or rewind the video to see it again. Having this at your fingertips allows me learn things I never knew before. As I learned to use the different software I began to realize that this was not only fun, but so useful as far as teaching processes.

2.    Reflect  and report status upon your progress with your campus-supervised Internship activities and your action research project. How many hours have you completed? What competencies and performance indicators have you covered in this campus-based activities? What have you learned? How will you use this learning in the future?
a.    IINTERNSHIP: I have completed all of my internship activities at this point. I worked very hard with my principal and mentor to get it done by the end of the school year because there was a possibility that I would be moved to another campus and we did not want me to have to do the work somewhere else, plus it would have been difficult to keep up with my mentor and she would have had trouble keeping up with my work. I have learned so much in this process. Being an administrator is so much more than anyone who has not experienced it could imagine. There are so many aspects to consider from testing to parents to ensuring that the teachers have enough professional development. It is also interesting to see how test scores affect the school as well as the district. I was not in the dark with this information, but I was not completely aware of the depth of it all. It gives me a new and better respect for people in an administrator role and will also help me understand what is expected of me in the future. I will be able to look at reports such as the AEIS in a better way, and be able to desegregate more than just my own data but the data from the school and the district. I have also completed my internship needed for my Technology hours. This was not too difficult because I worked in the computer lab and was the campus technician at the same time. The technology side of things came easily and getting the hours done was a matter of working it in my normal school day. I enjoyed doing the hours and I gained so much knowledge from looking at the different aspects of the requirements. I was able to show teachers new and exciting ways to implement the TA-TEKS as well as giving my students some newer and fresher ideas about how to use technology.
I am relieved to be finished with my internship, but I look forward to using the knowledge I have gained in my future endeavors. I am moving out of the computer lab into a classroom this next school year and I feel this will give me a better idea how to coordinate the information I learned from the Principal Competencies s well as the Technology Standards. I look forward to using them and becoming a better, more well informed educator.
3.    What parts of your action research project have you completed? What has been successful? What would you do differently? Do you need to change some of your processes or steps to complete your research? What changes will you make if any? What steps are remaining to be completed? Is your work beneficial for your campus and in what ways is your work beneficial?
a.    I have completed the first part of my Action Research project and currently I am on hold for the final part. The first part required me to gather copy count of the last six weeks for a classroom; I chose a 2nd grade class, to compare to the copy count from a “paperless” classroom beginning in the Fall. I will probably use the second six weeks count because the first six weeks will include getting ready for the school year to begin. So for now I am on hold because we are on Summer Break.
b.    I have successfully gotten the last six-weeks copy count, a task that was easy because the teachers have their own individual accounts and they are registered on a computer in the office.
c.    If I were to do anything differently I would have done this in one school year instead of two. The reason for this is that I may not be able to use the same teacher that I chose. I wanted to obtain the copy count already so that I could begin implementing a paperless classroom as soon as possible and since we started out research in March I was able to get a quick count. Ideally I would have tried to do it in the first couple six weeks of a semester, but doing it at the end of one and the beginning of another also sounds interesting.
d.    I do not need to change any processes at this point and I can’t think of any changes I may need to make either. I am sure I will have some tweaking that needs to be done, but I am unaware of it at this point
e.    The final steps for completion are guiding the teacher to use less paper. We need to figure out what can be done in place of making copies. The teacher is going to have iPads for every student in her classroom and we need to come up with ways to use them in place of making copies. We should be able to find apps or websites that the students can access to practice spelling or math instead of doing it on paper. I have also discovered that our local library has ebooks available to the students, and many of them are AR testing books.
f.     I would say that my research is very beneficial. Since all students in the district will have either an iPad or an iPod touch, there are going to be so many ways to cut down on paper use. This benefits the school because the cost of paper is extreme. Our administrators are always telling us that the biggest expense is paper. Not only will this help our paper cost, but it will also give our copiers a break. If there are fewer copies being made then the copier will not have so much work to do. The copiers are always breaking down or needing toner. Less use could cut down on the cost of maintenance, again saving money that can be used towards the students. Also, being an example to students is something that cannot be measured, but will benefit the school, the district and in the long run the world. If students learn how to cut down on paper, why to cut down on paper and the impact it makes on the environment, they will be able to take this with them into their future and share it with others.

Works Cited

SBI. (n.d.). Video Editing Made Easy. Retrieved June 2012, from

Siegchrist, G. (2012). Retrieved June 2012, from Learn to Edit Video With Windows Movie Maker:

tutpc. (2012). YoutTube. Retrieved June 2012, from Learn how to use Windows Movie Maker like a Pro :

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