Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Field Supervisor Web Conference #2

 June 19, 2012 at 5:30. My second Field Supervisor Web Conference. The first thing we discussed was whether or not we had any problems or questions as far as our classes were going, namely our internships and action research projects. One participant had a question about key assessments and another had one about the forms that seem to be wrong. Dr. Draper wrote down the key assessment question because no one really had an answer. He then addressed the question about forms, he told us that any of the forms we use will be accepted, that there are so many out there that the school will accept whichever one we turn in. Next he was interested in how our internship and Action Research projects are going. Each student went through where they were in their own internship activities and action research activities. He was interested in where we were and asked questions of us, seemingly to get to know us a little. I told him about mine, the Paperless classroom, and he stated he was interested in seeing the results of how much paper is used with the iPads compared to without.
He stated that at this point there are only two people signed up for the meeting on Saturday but he will let us know if more show up. Another student stated she would be there so that puts us at three, we only need one more to reply. i am hoping to get it done so I have completed my requirements so I will wait and see what happens, I should know by Thursday. That seemed to be everything so Dr. Draper wished us a good evening. We ended at 6:02 pm.

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