Sunday, June 17, 2012

5363 Web Conference #3

This week I missed the Saturday web conference live, but I watched the recording. Dr. Abernathy gave us info on the podcast, mainly that we need to have a partner to share our work with so that we can get input and learn in a professional learning community.  She also clarified that we could do a podcast or vodcast, either would work. She also went through the field experience information and clarified that the web conference we have with our field supervisor did not replace the web conferences we have in class, or the reflections we must do for the class. I figured that but it was a good idea to make it clear. She then went on to discuss "flipped classroom" and how to implement it and understand how it works and helps our students. She then explained that the 3,4,5 video needs to be a core curriculum video because the core is what the students get tested on. Luckily my group is already on this track and we have decided on Science. We are to think about areas that our school needs to use to improve test scores, and Science is always an area that needs improvement. She specified that we need to make sure to share our google doc with her and our IA, our evidence of teamwork. The stress was on team, to make sure that we work together and that we all agree with what happens as a team. She said our video should only be 90 seconds but she would take up to 2 min and max 2:30 minutes. She also wanted us to read articles in the resources area to help us understand what we are expected to do. Use video as a technique to engage students and then we can learn to make our own videos with our students. This would be great in my school since our students all have iPads!!! She also told us about 2 places we can use to share files, dropbox and sugarsync as well as mediafire added by our IA.

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