Thursday, June 7, 2012

5363- Digital Video Reflection

Making the Personal digital video was a fun experience. At first I was a little blocked about what to do it on. I wanted something somewhat inspirational and at the same time not be too cheesy. I had already made a 30 second video about my kids and niece/nephews so I didn't want to repeat that theme. Once I settled on the education theme I couldn't sleep because of all the ideas I had.

I made the story board after I gathered the pictures and wrote the script. I am not a big story board fan, but I wanted to make sure I did everything asked of me.

I shared my script and storyboard with my classmate/cohort-mate Nancy and she had some great input.

Making the video was not difficult in and of itself. I used stupeflix, (which I actually chose because I liked the name). It was very user friendly and did not have too many bells and whistles, just exactly what I needed.

HOWEVER, I almost panicked at one point because in the end I found out that I needed to pay a subscription to share my video. This made me mad because I had worked a lot of hours on this and did not want to start over or pay a subscription fee. I found out that I had earned 1 free video just for joining and used it as soon as I could. I did not like the fact that I would have to send requests to my friends and family email to earn more, I never give out their information.  I really hate it when the software states "free", when they only mean free account and the rest costs money, but all in all the assignment is done.

Hope you enjoy and I can't wait to see what my classmates come up with.

1 comment:

  1. I could have written that same first paragraph Kristi. Hopefully I can get my project completed today. (I don't want to have to work on it this weekend since we will be out of town.)
